COSMO Software May 1997 CD


This CD contains both new and upgrade products for the Cosmo Software. Some of the products are available for IRIX 5.3, IRIX 6.2, IRIX 6.3 and IRIX 6.4, while others are available only for certain operating system versions. After browsing this README, we strongly recommend that you run the startup script so that Software Manager displays only the software appropriate to your version of IRIX.

Startup Script: Check IRIX release, view appropriate software

This distribution contains products for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. After you have browsed this README, you should run the startup script which determines which version of the products to install on your system. You can start the script by clicking the OK button below.

Installation Information


If you purchased an O2 and there is a Cosmo Software May 1997 CD included in the box then an older version of Cosmo software is pre-installed on the machine and you should upgrade to the new May 1997 CD.

If you purchased an O2 and the there is NOT a Cosmo Software May 1997 CD included in the box, then the Cosmo software is pre-installed, and you need not install again.

If you purchased a WebFORCE Indy machine after September 1996, IRIX 6.2 is pre-installed, and it is likely that an older version of the Cosmo software is pre-installed. You should upgrade the pre-installed software to the new May 1997 CD that is included in the box. These products will be listed as 'same version' when you view the products in Software Manager. (For a full list of the software on your system, use Software Manager and click on the Manage Installed Software button.)

This software is supported on: Indy, Challenge S, Indigo R4000, Indigo2, PowerIndigo2, IMPACT, O2, Origin 200, Origin 2000, and Octane.

To install this software:

  1. When you are finished browsing this README, click OK below to run the startup script. Software Manager will come up and display the products appropriate for your version of IRIX. (If you need to refer back to this README, press the Lookup button. In the future, you can re-insert the CD and double-click on the CD icon).
  2. You may choose to read the release notes for products before installing them. You can view the release notes for products from Software Manager by clicking on the product and choosing Release Notes... from the Selected menu.

    To view the release notes for patches, open a unix shell and type:

    cd /CDROM/docs <Enter> (for 5.3)or cd /CDROM/docs6.2 or docs6.3 or doc6.4 depending on which OS
    you are running
    ./CDgrelnotes <Enter> 
  3. From Software Manager, press the Customize Installation button and mark desired products. (See "Notes about the products," below). Press Start.

Notes about the products

1.CosmoCode 2.2 is part of the default installation on the CD. This is compatible with JDK 1.1.2. If you want JDK 1.0.2, you will need to install CosmoCode 2.1.

To install CosmoCode 2.1 on IRIX 5.3, follow the instructions below to install from the command line:

inst -f /CDROM/dist/ccode2.1

To install CosmoCode 2.1 on IRIX 6.2, IRIX 6.3 and IRIX 6.4, follow the instructions below to install from the command line:

inst -f /CDROM/dist6.2/ccode2.1

To install CosmoCode 2.1 on IRIX 5.3, type the path below in the "Available Software" field if you are using Software Manager to install the software:


To install CosmoCode 2.1 on IRIX 6.2, IRIX6.3 and IRIX 6.4, type the path below in the "Available Software" field if you are using Software Manager to install the software:


If you install CosmoCode 2.1 choose NOT to install CosmoCode 2.2 (default) when installing other products from Cosmo Software May 1997 CD.

2. If you installed Cosmo Code 2.2 Beta 1, then the version of java_eoe & java_dev that you installed along with that version will appear to be newer to the installation tools than the version distributed with Cosmo code 2.2 Beta 2. If you do not have Cosmo Code 2.2 Beta 1 installed, then this should not affect you. To workaround this, you must explicitly select the java_eoe and java_dev images for installation in the installation tool. When you run the installation, you will be notified via conflicts that the version of java you're trying to install is older than the previous version. One of the options will be to set neweroverride to true. Select this option. This should clear all conflicts related to this problem. Cosmo Code 2.2 requires JDK 1.1.2 in order to run properly. Cosmo Code 2.2 will not work with JDK 1.0.2.

3. The release notes for both Java Development Kit 1.1.1 and Cosmo Code 2.2 are in the Cosmo Code product.

4. Cosmo Player and Cosmo Worlds 1.0.2 are upgraded to work with ISO-standard VRML 2.0 content. Content produced before the ISO spec may need to be changed to comply. This is compatible with OOBE 2.0.2 or higher, which comes with this product.

For more information, see the Cosmo Player release notes, as described above.

5. Cosmo Code 2.2 has a pre-requisite on sgitcl_eoe, which can be found on your IRIX 6.2 CD.

Software License Agreement

Packaged with your software is a separate sheet that contains the Software License Agreement. This software is provided to you solely under the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement. Please take a few moments to review the Agreement.

Product Support Information

Silicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product support maintenance program for its products. For more information, install What's New 6.2, May 1996 from your IRIX Applications CD and browse the Support and Services page.

If you would like to purchase support, contact your local Silicon Graphics sales office. If you are in the US or Canada and would like assistance with your Silicon Graphics-supported products, contact the Technical Assistance Center at (800) 800-4SGI. If you are outside these areas and require assistance, contact the Silicon Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your country.

License Information

If you purchased a WebFORCE Indy or O2 after May 1996, then depending on your bundle you may have some of the licenses pre-installed. To see what licenses you have, launch License Manager from the System menu of the Toolchest. The following products on this CD require licenses:

To obtain a permanent license, please contact Silicon Graphics' support organization (800-800-4SGI). All products have evaluation licenses available from, or send e-mail to If you have difficulty with any software license, please contact Silicon Graphics' support organization (800-800-4SGI). Customers outside of the US and Canada should contact their local Silicon Graphics office. If you are a customer of a Silicon Graphics reseller, please contact your local support provider.